Anasayfa » How to Buy Land in Metaverse ?

How to Buy Land in Metaverse ?

by gulsumay
Metaverse is a kind of fictional universe that literally means virtual universe. This universe has made a sound all over the world.

Metaverse is a kind of fictional universe that literally means virtual universe. This universe has made a sound all over the world, especially with the introduction of the company formerly known as Facebook, now known as Meta. In this universe where various projects were presented, land sales attracted attention. In the virtual universe, which is defined as the future of the Internet, land purchase and sale transactions have started. Users who want to take part in this field early started to buy as an investment tool. So how to buy land from this virtual world?

Is it possible to buy land in the Metaverse ?

In the Metaverse universe, users can create various digital assets, buy and sell them with various coins. In this universe, which can be shown as an analogue of the real world, there are parts such as land or sea. The pieces of land in this universe are represented as NFTs in the blockchain. In this way, the person holding that land is given full ownership.

These lands are shown as one of the most lucrative investments in the virtual universe. These lands are strategic assets that are expected to gain value over time, as in real life. People can sell or rent the lands they buy here. In this way, passive income can be earned from these areas.

The lands in the virtual universe have a limited number and a fixed size, just like in the real world. For example, the Decentraland Metaverse consists of 90,601 plots of 16m x 16m, while the Sandbox Metaverse consists of 166,464 plots of 96 x 96. Users can fill these plots with digital assets such as buildings, vehicles, games or different types of 3D objects. They can generate income by renting these assets.

Just as there are some conditions for buying any property in the real world, there are also conditions in the virtual universe. In both purchases, you must pay some kind of financial price and make some transactions while buying. First of all, you pay for the land you buy in Mateverse through coins. For this, you need to know which payment method the platform works with. Once you know which cryptocurrency the platform you will buy the land uses and which digital wallet you need to hold the money, you can proceed to the next transaction.

How to Buy Land in Metaverse?

Before buying land in the virtual universe, you need to determine which platform you will buy from. Then, in order to shop on the platform where you will buy this land, you must have the digital wallet supported by the platform. For this, using the specified cryptocurrency exchanges will allow you to conduct a smoother transaction.

To buy metaverse land from Sandbox, you need to upload SAND coins to your wallet. You can get these coins from cryptocurrency exchanges such as Binance with various coins. If you have coins such as ETH, BTC, you can also convert them into SAND coins.

Then transfer these coins you have purchased to your account on the platform where you will buy the land. Choose an island and parcel that interests you on the platform and buy it with the coins you have.

Decentraland MANA Land Buying Guide

The process of buying land in Decentraland is similar to the Sandbox. Firstly, go to and create an account. Then go to the ‘Parcels and Estates’ section at the bottom of the page. By clicking on the section labelled ‘View All’ at the top right of this section, you can see all parcels and estates for sale on a single map.

The blue coloured areas seen in this area are plots and parcels for sale. Here you can see more details about this area by clicking on the area you want to see or examine closely. It is enough to make an offer to the buyer by clicking the ‘Buy’ button on the bottom right of the parcel you want to buy. Afterwards, if you have Etherum or Mana coin in your wallet, you can buy it.

How Much Are Metaverse Land Prices?

Land sales in the virtual universe have variable prices as in the real world. This may depend on variables such as demand and supply. In addition, there are variables such as the location and square metre of the land. At this point, it would not be right to say a certain price. This situation depends entirely on the variables to be purchased. However, Mana and SAND coins have variable dollar equivalents on exchanges. Today, you can add value to yourself by taking metaverse expertise training with developing ar, vr technologies and contribute to the development of these technologies.

Is it Necessary to be an Expert to Buy Land?

Owning land in this universe, which brings the physical world to the virtual environment, has become popular among investors. So, what to do to buy land on the Metaverse and is this a reliable investment?

Value Formation: The real value of the land is created when it is utilised or rented. In other words, the value of buying land in the Metaverse is related to the potential for utilisation and the availability of willing buyers with purchasing power.
Create a Digital Wallet: To buy land in the Metaverse, you must first create a digital wallet for yourself.
Plot Selection: You should choose a plot from a location that can be profitable.
Purchase with Metaverse Coin: You can buy your land with your virtual wallet or cryptocurrency, the local currency of Metaverse.

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